
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers


Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 28, 2011 - Everything's Going Smooth!

Sorry my post is so late after our doctor's appointment on Tuesday (two days ago).  We are 29 weeks and 4 days today!

Well, the doctor's appointment went well!  The babes are growing...Baby A is 3 lbs 2 ounces (two weeks ago she was 2 lbs 3 oz), Baby B is 3 lbs 3 oz (two weeks ago she was 2 lbs 6 oz), and Baby C is 3 lb 5 oz (two weeks ago she was 2 lbs 7 oz).  That's almost a pound each in two weeks!  So I have officially passed weight I carried in my belly with litte G man.  He was 8 lbs 9 oz at birth and I have 9 lbs 10 oz of babies in my belly right now!  Wow!  Scary to think how much baby weight I could have before we are done!  Speaking of weight, I cannot seem to gain anymore.  The goal was to gain around 80 lbs and I have been hovering between 40-50 for the past month.  As soon as I think I might be up a couple pounds, then I lose it again.  The doc isn't worried as long as the babes are growing ok, but it just seems strange that I can't keep packing on the weight.  She says that the babes will not go without though, but that my body will.  The babes will burn off the little bit of fat I have left on my body if I am not able to consume enough calories each day.  You'd think that this would make a woman happy to loose more fat, but I don't have much extra to give at this point.  I am all baby (babies) these days!

Baby B is still having issues with her urinary tract.  Both of her kidneys are now enlarged, but at least not to the point of being scary.  We just have to keep an eye on it that it isn't getting worse and they will evaluate it more after she is born.  Our doc said that this is fairly common and sometimes will resolve itself by the time she's born.  She said worse case, is that she may need a minor surgery after birth.  We pray that it will work it's way out and we have a healthy baby!

They also completed BPP (biopysical profiles) on each of the babes and they still are all scoring 8 out of 8's!  They monitor that they are moving their lungs and practicing their breathing, movement, muscle tone, and the amount of amniotic fluid.

My cervix is now deteriorating faster.  A week ago it was at 3.1 cm and this week it was 2.6 cm.  At least now I am at the point that it makes sense that it is shortening.  They would really like 33 weeks out of me, so that leaves me with a little more than 3 weeks left!  If things keep going like this, I think we can do it!

The best news we have is that we are all going to live as a family within a couple more days!  By Sunday...30 weeks...we will be back together in Bismarck in our house!  We appreciate all of the help that we have had to get situated back in our house again!  Hopefully my next post will be to tell you how much bigger these babes are next week!

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